Sunday, December 16, 2012

Hot guy cruise - December 15, 2012

[the following was composed last night, and just posted here, so that places its context for you, the reader]

Joy, joy, joy! - Okay, this is GREAT news for me! I got back from the gym about an hour ago, and had to get off because I was worked up. And I was worked up because I was cruised in the STEAMROOM by this hot dude! I wanted to, and I told him so, but this time I put it on the line and said to him that "I really want to help you with that, but I'm not comfortable doing anything here, and I can't host." 

That was because every so often one or both of his hands would go to his dick and fondle himself. He had a nice body, a very handsome face, and his dick looked really nice too. But I did make that rule, that I wouldn't risk sexual play in the steam room, let alone the gym. 

He had engaged me in conversation for a while before I got to that polite decline to have sex. I was already sitting in the steam room, and there was another guy in before I arrived sitting on the second tier. So, I sat up on the second tier, but comfortably enough with distance so as not be obvious. Well, this first one is someone I've greeted in passing before, and usually it's all small talk at the lockers because he and I go to lockers in the same row and column. Well, this hottie comes in, and he choses to sit on the first tier [the lowest tier] on the side perpendicular to where the first guy and I sat. I gave a greeting, as he came in, the typical dude-type greeting like "Hey, what's up". Well, he returned my greeting as he entered an came to sit nearly in front of me.

We sat there, the three of us for a few minutes, and then the first guy who was in there got up and left. That just left me and that hottie, and he was seated in nearly my direct line of sight. Well, every so often I would notice that he'd be looking at me, as he intermittently fondled himself, and he rearranged his towel so that he was nude sitting atop of it, like I usually sit.  

He struck up a conversation with me, opening with a question of my tattoo - what it meant. I told him what it was supposed to represent, but mentioned that it looks more like a "76" than the Capricorn sign. I also told him about the story behind getting it: that I was forced to participate with a group of friends in getting our first tattoos, and all I had was $40.00. So, I picked the design off the wall. He said he wants to get one, but he wants to design it so that it'll look like no-one else's.

Well, I noticed he kept dropping hints at me, and I wanted to suck him off, but I knew I would feel really awkward in a public place. So that's when I decided to lay it on the line and be honest about how I felt.

Just after I said that to him, he offered to me "why don't we just turn up the steam?" as an attempt to mask any accidental interruption of someone finding us. I just told him I'm not really comfortable at all, and repeated that I really very much wished I could help him with getting off.

The guy actually increased his insistence trying to convince me that it'd be okay. He said he'd already done it there a couple of times before, but I held my ground. It was just in the middle of us still talking about it - him trying to get me to accept, and me politely declining - when someone walks from the door in past the showers, looking into the window before he entered the steam room. I said even before the guy opened the door, "Someone's coming" and the hottie quickly covered himself up with his towel.  But the way he did it was just to bring the sides up from the bench to wrap up around his hips to cover his penis. But HE ALREADY HAD AN ERECTION when the guy entered. I don't know if the guy saw it, but I think the hottie's body language was obvious. I tried to cover by continuing the conversation about coming here from San Diego by way of Las Vegas. Well, the hottie didn't stay long. He got up and left, so I sat for a while more. That guy who entered didn't say anything.

That hottie wasn't pushy about trying to convince me. I'd say he actually sounded polite about it. But I knew that more steam to cover up and being in a position where you're close in proximity are not satisfactory covers to being found out. Even his covering his hardon when the guy entered wasn't enough, because when I looked up at him to see how he was reacting, his body language gave it away. It was as if he was trying to hide his erection, but that's exactly what he was going for. I just went acting as if nothing happened.

I wanted him really bad. But not bad enough to risk being found out and prosecuted. I know that's a really paranoid way to be, but not taking that chance at all is safer than taking the risk and losing. That guy that came in when I said "Someone's coming!" gave less than a full second from the time I saw him in the window, said that warning, and the door opened because he was already entering. Imagine if I had been between the hottie's legs sucking him off? I wouldn't have moved fast enough so it would have been a complete discovery in the act.

Incidentally, the hottie sitting on the lower tier, sat leaned back against the wall [I can't imagine touching that wall] and he was spreading his legs apart offering an appealing bait. I wish it happened, but I'm glad I didn't suffer getting caught. I was actully hoping that he'd seek more pursuit, because we met again at the sinks, him dying his beard, and me there to shave.  I was considering about breaking down and inviting him to my place here, but not in discussion down there. I was hoping he was getting ready to leave to continue chatting outside. I would have felt more comfortable there. But, when I dried, dressed, and left the gym, I passed him sitting in the television area on the couch with his feet up on the coffee table. I waved to him and said "see you later', but he didn't follow up the stairs.

Now, the reason I'm so happy about this experience is not that it didn't happen as if I missed out. I declined this one because I didn't feel right. So that's the difference: the opportunity was there for my taking, and I responded to it and not in an ambiguous way. 

He said he also goes to university, the same one I'm at. But he said he'll be finishing and graduating in May. I hope I run into him, and he's still interested and eager to chat.

Joy! Joy! Joy!

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