Thursday, December 6, 2012

Today this blog was born.

December 6, 2012:

Well, Google has been after me for a while to create a blog. I finally created one today after I thought about a title that seemed appropriate enough. Titles are important, because they set the tone of what you're looking at, and are the boiled-down representation of the contents the reader ought to expect.

I thought about this last night as I was waiting for my clothes to finish drying in the dryer. Yeah, romantic, eh? Well, that's the reality of life creeping into my day. I wanted something that spoke somewhat of who I am, and what I want to write about. That leaves the field almost wide open. But, then I realized that what I do the most of is almost a form of meditation, a pondering about events and experiences I've had. That also is to include relationships I've had. So contemplation, and I suppose daydreaming to the point of fantasizing describes who I am. So be it.

This is the start, and I don't know how well I'm going to utilize this thing. One thing that I ought to make clear: I don't intend to censor what I'm discussing, and the experiences I've had are not what you would call rated G or PG, more along the lines of R, X, and XXX. I know those rating tiers are changed, but whatever. You get what I mean.

I'm going to have to learn this setup, and how it works with my tablet. I've centered my activities around Google, so to speak, so I ended up getting Google's Nexus 7 tablet. What pisses me off is that I got this thing only this September, and not three months pass before they drop the price and introduce their newer, better tablets at the price I bought into for the lesser model. Oh well. In any case, I've got to learn how this Nexus tablet works with

I guess first things first: find out how to set the options of this site to display the warning notification to any new arrivals that this blog is meant for an adult audience.

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